Post by Stan de SDWattenburg was on Savage Nation just now, talking about global warming
and that repeated story of how Bill heard Savage the first time.
Bernie and those guys are really going to pound Wattenburg for this.
The Savage Wiener is an idiot. He's a fake. He's basically a
caricature. I can't say I'd be surprised of Wattenburg went on The Savage
Wiener's show. Wattenburg's show has degraded to the point where he's
like a Mike Savage but he isn't quite that bad now. Maybe if Wattenberg's
show gets worse, they can ship him off to KSFO.
I'm sure that a big chunk of the KGO crowd would be pleased to eliminate
someone who doesn't toe the de rigeur PC party line on all their pet issues
(global warming, war on terror, nuclear power, immigration)
I'm sure a big chunk of the audience would love to see him go but
probably not for the reasons you cite. Wattenburg is just plain pathetic.
He's a pompous ass who loves to belittle anyone who makes a good point and
good argument against them.
Fact of the matter is that many people who think in their small minds that
they are making some brilliant point against him are merely repeating the
same drivel they hear around town, and think they came to some brilliant
conclusion on their own. As I stated before, I don't agree 100% with
everything Wattenburg says or believes, and I know he can be a bit of a
curmudgeon and moody. However, many self-righteous types in the SF bay area
have unjustifiably high opinions of their own brilliance and ability to
debate issues, because the rampant political correctness found around here
tends to shelter people from opposing points of view by shutting out
dissent. Hence, those who may disagree with some of Wattenburg's more
conservative opinions on defense or environmental issues come off like
wack-doodles of the Howard Dean/Michael Moore variety instead of reasoned
people with a different point of view. The fact that he has to deal with the
likes of Red Roger and Steve "" Lightfoot probably
doesn't help his disposition either...
Post by Stan de SDas well as a hefty chunk of the late-night weekend audience. I don't
agree with him 100% on the issues, but I do get a kick out of listening to
him piss off some of the uninformed and wacknut types who think they are
going to teach him a thing or two... :O)
To be honest I haven't listen to five minutes of Wattenburg in months.
He's just to boring. His show was better when he talked about things he
rather than delving into politics. Since he became so political, I've
him perpetuate many lies from the right wing. Wattenburg would repeat them
without finding out the truth first. One night I heard him accuse John
of wounding himself on purpose so he could get out of Viet Nam early. The
actual story Wattenburg got the info from said Kerry might have
wounded himself when he threw a grenade to close to himself. Anyway.
who would belittle someone who shed blood for this country with lies is a
lowlife in my opinion. Wattenburg was too much of a coward to go to Viet
himself but he won't hesitate to attack one of our heroes just because
a liberal.
Sounds like you have your own political axe to grind - but if you want to
regard John Kerry as some great war hero instead of the calculating
political opportunist he was, be my guest. :O)