2010-04-22 02:42:02 UTC
Hey, we don't have to rely on the likes of Will Rogers, Jay Leno, Jon
Stewart or Steven Colbert for our political humor. Quite often, the
politicians themselves bring Teh Funny. Meet Sue Lowden, Republican
candidate for Senate in the great state of Nevada. She has a solution
for the health care crisis:
"I'm telling you that this works. You know, before we
all started having health care, in the olden days, our
grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor."
In other words, senate candidate Sue Lowden proposes that we *barter*
for health care, by offering to paint our doctors' houses, or paying
them in livestock.
So did she rethink that plan after her advisers sat her down and
explained the concept of a cash economy? Heck, no! It turns out that
she was serious. And her campaign is backing her up:
"Americans are struggling to pay for their health care,
and in order to afford coverage we must explore all
options available to drive costs down, Bartering with
your doctor is not a new concept. There have been
numerous reports as to how negotiating with your
doctor is an option and doctors have gone on the
record verifying this."
-- campaign spokesperson Crystal Feldman
Oh. Kay. Just to drive home Sue Lowden's message, here's a remix of
"Techno-Chicken", including Lowden's proposal:
So if I offer to knit a nice sweater for my doctor's poodle, could I
have a heart transplant?
Stewart or Steven Colbert for our political humor. Quite often, the
politicians themselves bring Teh Funny. Meet Sue Lowden, Republican
candidate for Senate in the great state of Nevada. She has a solution
for the health care crisis:
"I'm telling you that this works. You know, before we
all started having health care, in the olden days, our
grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor."
In other words, senate candidate Sue Lowden proposes that we *barter*
for health care, by offering to paint our doctors' houses, or paying
them in livestock.
So did she rethink that plan after her advisers sat her down and
explained the concept of a cash economy? Heck, no! It turns out that
she was serious. And her campaign is backing her up:
"Americans are struggling to pay for their health care,
and in order to afford coverage we must explore all
options available to drive costs down, Bartering with
your doctor is not a new concept. There have been
numerous reports as to how negotiating with your
doctor is an option and doctors have gone on the
record verifying this."
-- campaign spokesperson Crystal Feldman
Oh. Kay. Just to drive home Sue Lowden's message, here's a remix of
"Techno-Chicken", including Lowden's proposal:
So if I offer to knit a nice sweater for my doctor's poodle, could I
have a heart transplant?