Stan de SD
2006-07-31 00:11:10 UTC
If our schools fail to teach basic math, how did I learn it? I was
lucky in two ways: where and to whom I was born. I was born in St.
Petersburg, Russia, and went to school there until fourth grade. My
parents put my education above all else.
Funny how the emphasis in education in some cultures, and the lack of it inlucky in two ways: where and to whom I was born. I was born in St.
Petersburg, Russia, and went to school there until fourth grade. My
parents put my education above all else.
others, makes a difference in outcome.
Perhaps my two accidents of birth can boost our fledgling mathematics
education. No, I do not mean that we should send students to Russia.
That might not be a bad idea - if we could actually afford it. Maybe some ofeducation. No, I do not mean that we should send students to Russia.
our spoiled children need to see what the rest of the world has to deal
with, to realize how good they have it here.
But for all the things that country did poorly, it excelled at
mathematics education.
One of the ironic things about the Soviet system, is that for all themathematics education.
left-wing crap that it inspired (and that its lackeys and apologists adopted
in the west), they never had any illusions about the real purpose of higher
education. If the State was to pay your education, they expected something
useful out of you in return. Basket-weaving courses and feel-good "victim
studies" curricula didn't cut it... :Oo