Stan de SD
2011-03-26 18:16:15 UTC
HEADLINE: Poll: More than 33% of Americans agree that Obama is an
indecisive ditherer
OVERVIEW: A new poll from Reuters finds that more than one-third of
all Americans believes that Obama is nothing but an indecisive
I'm not sure why Americans expected otherwise. During the campaign,indecisive ditherer
OVERVIEW: A new poll from Reuters finds that more than one-third of
all Americans believes that Obama is nothing but an indecisive
Barack Obama was careful to never take a position on any issue of
substance, offering his bleating disciples nothing more than vague
promises of "Hope" and "Change."
country who swoon over such goo-goo feel-good utterances because in
their view, the purpose of government is to hold their hand, kiss
their little boo-boo, and change their diaper for them. These are the
people who are preoccupied with gay marriage and free health care,
because they want the federal government to be their Mommy.