Loony Calif. Goes Easy on HIV Transmission, Then Blames Racism for Rise in STD Rates
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2018-06-06 13:56:03 UTC
Even for California, it’s crazy.

A state so dedicated to sexual freedom that it recently decided it’s no
longer a felony to knowingly expose a partner to a potentially deadly HIV
infection is finding itself confronted with a rising tide of sexually
transmitted diseases.

Then decides the culprit has to be anything but the most obvious reason:
It’s got to be racism.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles County is facing
skyrocketing rates of infection for STS like chlamydia and gonorrhea, and
has embarked on an ambitious effort to fight it by introducing ever more
teenagers to allegedly “safe sex” practices like using condoms.

The Times article profiles programs like “Spring Into Love,” an annual
“all-day event intended to get high schoolers more comfortable talking
about sex.” It was organized by a group called WeCanStopSTDsLA, the Times

It included teenage girls in a church aditorium passing around a plastic,
life-size penis and practicing the steps to affix it onto a condom. (Just
what all parents expect their daughters to be doing in a church

It also featured discussions about anal sex. (The Times approvingly notes
that one boy learned he could actually contract a sexually transmitted
disease from it. The boy didn’t know that already.)

Those are practices and topics that most conservatives might not be fully
behind, but just about every adult understands that reality is something
that can’t be avoided. If these really are ways to keep kids safer, it’s
sad, but it’s not objectionable out of hand.

The big problem is the attitude the article demonstrates when it takes a
sharp swerve toward blaming something entirely outside the sexual realm.
Apparently, something called “systemic racism” can be invoked to that
relieves individuals of any responsibility for their own behavior – as
long as they happen to be racial minorities.

Heather June Northover, director of Los Angeles County’s recently created
Center for Health Equity, told the Times that “officials need to evaluate
what’s called structural or systemic racism, the way housing or education
policies may negatively impact people and their health.”

As the Times reports: “Studies have found, for example, that people with
HIV who had low levels of literacy were less likely to follow their
treatment, and that poorer Americans were more likely to engage in risky
sexual behavior, increasing their risk of STDs.”

That could well be. But the irony is that California is so famously
libertine when it comes to sex that “risky sexual behavior” is practically
part of its brand. And that has a price.

“Gay and bisexual men make up the vast majority of new syphilis cases. In
L.A. County, syphilis rates among African American women are six times
higher than white women and three times higher than Latina women,” the
Times reported.

It’s probably a coincidence, but it should be noted that the office
Northover works for, Los Angeles County’s Center for Health Equity, was
created in October 2017. That was the same month that Calironia’s
astonishingly inept Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that reduced the
criminal charge for a person who is infected with who has sex with another
person without telling them from a felony to a misdemeanor.

Since HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, Brown and the liberal California
lawmakers effectively reduced the penalty for deliberately exposing a
sexual partner to a potentially deadly disease nothing more than a slap on
the wrist.

So, California appears bent on continuing its decades-long practice of
condoning sexual freedom by launching community programs that encourage
teenagers to engage in sex, while at the same time relaxing its criminal
penalties for those who knowingly use sex in a way that could literally
kill an innocent victim.

And instead of respecting individual agency, and assigning individuals
responsibility for the consequences of their actions, California officials
seem just as intent on blaming “systemic racism” for the tide of sexually
transmitted diseases that are engulfing the Golden State.

The Times article concludes with a quote from Dr. Michael Hochman, senior
health deputy for County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas.

“If you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, then
that’s insanity,” Hochman told the Times.

True enough. And California’s attitude toward sexual freedom and the
problems that come with it is a perfect example. This is the kind of state
that passes laws that place sexual freedom over the religious liberties
guaranteed by the United Stateds Consitution.

And even by California standards, it’s crazy.

2018-06-11 03:28:37 UTC
Post by Byker
Even for California, it’s crazy.
"crazy" is spending a whole month firing off frothing extreme rightist
spam to every librulcommiewhatever group you can think of. fsck off to
voat already, ya turd.
