Defensive Poop City Editorial: California fires' cruel cycle of natural and human disaster
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2020-08-31 21:59:02 UTC
The ring of fire around the Bay Area is a rarity among the catastrophic
blazes of recent years in that it’s a truly natural disaster. While power
lines and other human causes have ignited nearly all of California’s most
destructive wildfires, the flames that claimed lives and homes over the
past week were sparked by a strange barrage of dry lightning storms.
Just let the fires burn. It's the natural eco-cycle.

Look upon it as Nature's Reset Button:
2020-09-01 14:46:18 UTC
Post by Byker
The ring of fire around the Bay Area is a rarity among the catastrophic
blazes of recent years in that it’s a truly natural disaster. While power
lines and other human causes have ignited nearly all of California’s most
destructive wildfires, the flames that claimed lives and homes over the
past week were sparked by a strange barrage of dry lightning storms.
Just let the fires burn. It's the natural eco-cycle.
It looks to me like *DEMOCRATS FIT BOTH CATEGORIES* and Democrats are a
human "man made disaster" while at the same time they were created by
nature and so they're a naturally occurring kind of stupid.

And at the same time democrats wreak havoc on nature they also have the
ability to create man made disasters form their very human stupidity.

The cycle of natural and human disasters are connected by the Democrats
themselves and their Schizophrenic irrational behavior.
*That's Karma*

Democrats have no VISION to help make a MORE PERFECT UNION, all they
have is HATE for America and Americans.
2020-09-02 15:46:22 UTC
Post by Byker
The ring of fire around the Bay Area is a rarity among the catastrophic
blazes of recent years in that it’s a truly natural disaster. While power
lines and other human causes have ignited nearly all of California’s most
destructive wildfires, the flames that claimed lives and homes over the
past week were sparked by a strange barrage of dry lightning storms.
Just let the fires burn. It's the natural eco-cycle.
It looks to me like *DEMOCRATS FIT BOTH CATEGORIES* and Democrats are a
human "man made disaster" while at the same time they were created by
nature and so they're a naturally occurring kind of stupid.

And at the same time democrats wreak havoc on nature they also have the
ability to create man made disasters from their very human stupidity.

The cycle of natural and human disasters are connected by the Democrats
themselves and their Schizophrenic irrational behavior.
*That's Karma*

Democrats have no VISION to help make a MORE PERFECT UNION, all they
have is HATE for America and Americans.