Mo Hammud
2016-01-04 19:05:03 UTC
SOME people are unaware of the importance and value Islam places
upon women. Women who do not know this reality, as well as all
people with insufficient knowledge of the Qur'an, try to protect
their rights by working within their worldview, which follows
the logic of unbelief.
A Muslim woman believes in Allah with a true heart, submits
completely to Him, is aware that there is no other deity, that
He is the Lord of every being and thing, and that He is All-
Powerful. Therefore, she fears and respects only Him and seeks
to win only His good pleasure.
She worships only Him, accepts only Him as her closest friend,
and seeks only His help. She also knows that only He can direct
good and bad toward her, and so lives in the full knowledge that
she is dependent on Him. She knows that He keeps her alive,
provides and cares for her, and protects and guards her. For
these reasons, she has no expectations of other people.
She believes in Allah without the slightest doubt in her heart
for her whole life, never losing heart or belief regardless of
the circumstances.
She knows how to be grateful and content with her closeness to
Him both when her life is good and when she is undergoing
difficulties. She is in a state of constant submission, certain
of our Lord's love, compassion, forgiveness and providence.
When she encounters a problem, she knows that Allah has provided
a solution in the Qur'an, and that what matters most is her
continued sincere love, submission, and trust in Allah. She is
certain of Allah's promise that He creates everything according
to His justice and with wisdom and goodness.
Even if her problems seem to go on forever, she never surrenders
to hopelessness or worries when His help will come. Content with
what He has sent her way, she maintains her patience and
submission, knowing that something good will come out of it. She
remembers what the Qur'an says about those who abandon their
belief in such times. In addition, she recites "My Lord is with
me and will guide me" (Quran, 42:62), just as the Prophets did
when faced with hardship. Throughout her life, her profound
faith enables her to see Allah's compassion, closeness, love,
help, and friendship at all times.
Allah created men and women for a purpose and revealed their
responsibilities in the Qur'an. Men and women are required to
lead the moral life prescribed by Allah, worship and serve Him,
and to win His pleasure. They are required to tell people who
are far from the happy and contented life about following the
Qur'an's teachings and to make a genuine effort to help them
draw closer to Allah's pleasure, mercy, and Paradise.
Some unbelieving women consider strength and willpower to be
male characteristics, out of the mistaken belief that only men
have to show strength and determination for themselves, as well
as for the women in their charge, in the face of adversity.
Thus, they consider it to be in their best interest to surrender
to men's intellect, willpower and strength. Especially when
encountering trouble and difficulty, they lose whatever little
strength and willpower they have and panic, and thus give
themselves up to irrational and confused behavior.
This pale and weak personality leads unbelieving women to pay
too much attention to what other people think about them. Often,
they knowingly do something wrong just to impress others or to
win a respectable place among them. Likewise, if they are
criticized, they feel belittled and disliked, and so feel
devastated. Not understanding that what matters is their value
in Allah's Presence, they only seek the approval of people and
end up being upset and distraught, thinking that all they ever
do is a waste. As a result, they become depressed and lose their
strength, willpower, and courage.
But Muslim women never stagger because of people's criticism.
Given that they measure themselves by the yardstick of the
Qur'an, which spells out clearly what is right and what is
wrong, they strive to live up to the Qur'anic morality. If they
are criticized for doing so, they become even more determined
and stronger in their pursuit of His good pleasure, which is the
highest goal to pursue. Believing that only the Qur'an's
morality gives them any value in this world and the next, they
do not care what other people think of them.
The only solution is the Qur'an, which provides the easiest, as
well as the most content and beautiful path, by which to live.
The only path that can lead toward righteousness is His path,
for only it leads to goodness and prosperity. Allah reveals that
the Qur'an brings people honor and dignity, and that all who
abide by its values and follow this righteous path will find
success in everything they undertake.
All true and lasting solutions to false ideas about women are
found in the Qur'an. Islam, which was revealed to guide humanity
to salvation, genuinely values women. Many verses protect women
and their rights, for the Qur'an eliminated the prevalent
misguided stereotypes of women and gave them a respectable
position in society. Our Lord teaches that superiority in His
Presence is based not on gender, but rather on one's fear and
respect of Allah, faith, good character, devotion, and
dedication to Him.
Allah has revealed the steps that women need to take to ensure
their protection and respect within society, and for them to
find the love and dignity that they deserve. All of these
measures benefit women and seek to prevent damage to their
interests or any form of oppression and unnecessary stress.
The writer has authored more than 300 books translated in 73
languages on politics,
religion and science.
upon women. Women who do not know this reality, as well as all
people with insufficient knowledge of the Qur'an, try to protect
their rights by working within their worldview, which follows
the logic of unbelief.
A Muslim woman believes in Allah with a true heart, submits
completely to Him, is aware that there is no other deity, that
He is the Lord of every being and thing, and that He is All-
Powerful. Therefore, she fears and respects only Him and seeks
to win only His good pleasure.
She worships only Him, accepts only Him as her closest friend,
and seeks only His help. She also knows that only He can direct
good and bad toward her, and so lives in the full knowledge that
she is dependent on Him. She knows that He keeps her alive,
provides and cares for her, and protects and guards her. For
these reasons, she has no expectations of other people.
She believes in Allah without the slightest doubt in her heart
for her whole life, never losing heart or belief regardless of
the circumstances.
She knows how to be grateful and content with her closeness to
Him both when her life is good and when she is undergoing
difficulties. She is in a state of constant submission, certain
of our Lord's love, compassion, forgiveness and providence.
When she encounters a problem, she knows that Allah has provided
a solution in the Qur'an, and that what matters most is her
continued sincere love, submission, and trust in Allah. She is
certain of Allah's promise that He creates everything according
to His justice and with wisdom and goodness.
Even if her problems seem to go on forever, she never surrenders
to hopelessness or worries when His help will come. Content with
what He has sent her way, she maintains her patience and
submission, knowing that something good will come out of it. She
remembers what the Qur'an says about those who abandon their
belief in such times. In addition, she recites "My Lord is with
me and will guide me" (Quran, 42:62), just as the Prophets did
when faced with hardship. Throughout her life, her profound
faith enables her to see Allah's compassion, closeness, love,
help, and friendship at all times.
Allah created men and women for a purpose and revealed their
responsibilities in the Qur'an. Men and women are required to
lead the moral life prescribed by Allah, worship and serve Him,
and to win His pleasure. They are required to tell people who
are far from the happy and contented life about following the
Qur'an's teachings and to make a genuine effort to help them
draw closer to Allah's pleasure, mercy, and Paradise.
Some unbelieving women consider strength and willpower to be
male characteristics, out of the mistaken belief that only men
have to show strength and determination for themselves, as well
as for the women in their charge, in the face of adversity.
Thus, they consider it to be in their best interest to surrender
to men's intellect, willpower and strength. Especially when
encountering trouble and difficulty, they lose whatever little
strength and willpower they have and panic, and thus give
themselves up to irrational and confused behavior.
This pale and weak personality leads unbelieving women to pay
too much attention to what other people think about them. Often,
they knowingly do something wrong just to impress others or to
win a respectable place among them. Likewise, if they are
criticized, they feel belittled and disliked, and so feel
devastated. Not understanding that what matters is their value
in Allah's Presence, they only seek the approval of people and
end up being upset and distraught, thinking that all they ever
do is a waste. As a result, they become depressed and lose their
strength, willpower, and courage.
But Muslim women never stagger because of people's criticism.
Given that they measure themselves by the yardstick of the
Qur'an, which spells out clearly what is right and what is
wrong, they strive to live up to the Qur'anic morality. If they
are criticized for doing so, they become even more determined
and stronger in their pursuit of His good pleasure, which is the
highest goal to pursue. Believing that only the Qur'an's
morality gives them any value in this world and the next, they
do not care what other people think of them.
The only solution is the Qur'an, which provides the easiest, as
well as the most content and beautiful path, by which to live.
The only path that can lead toward righteousness is His path,
for only it leads to goodness and prosperity. Allah reveals that
the Qur'an brings people honor and dignity, and that all who
abide by its values and follow this righteous path will find
success in everything they undertake.
All true and lasting solutions to false ideas about women are
found in the Qur'an. Islam, which was revealed to guide humanity
to salvation, genuinely values women. Many verses protect women
and their rights, for the Qur'an eliminated the prevalent
misguided stereotypes of women and gave them a respectable
position in society. Our Lord teaches that superiority in His
Presence is based not on gender, but rather on one's fear and
respect of Allah, faith, good character, devotion, and
dedication to Him.
Allah has revealed the steps that women need to take to ensure
their protection and respect within society, and for them to
find the love and dignity that they deserve. All of these
measures benefit women and seek to prevent damage to their
interests or any form of oppression and unnecessary stress.
The writer has authored more than 300 books translated in 73
languages on politics,
religion and science.