Biden elected - LIBERALS PANIC AND HOARD SHITPAPER AGAIN - Walmart reports shortages of toilet paper and cleaning supplies
(too old to reply)
Chickens BAWK BAWK!
2021-01-17 21:06:43 UTC
New York (CNN Business)Shoppers are once again loading up on
paper goods and cleaning supplies in areas of the United States
hard hit by rising coronavirus infections, leading to empty
shelves at some Walmart stores.

Officials at Walmart (WMT), the largest retailer in the country,
said Tuesday that supply chains have not kept up with rising
demand, and these goods have been harder to stock consistently
in locations with sharp spikes in new virus cases. The United
States has recorded more than 100,000 daily infections for two
weeks straight, and on Monday reported more than 166,000 new

"We do see big differences, depending on the communities that
you're in," Walmart US CEO John Furner said on a call with
analysts Tuesday after Walmart reported its quarterly earnings.
"The specific categories where we have the most strain at the
present time would be bath tissue and cleaning supplies."

That's because liberals are shitting themselves after electing
Joe Biden and the jamaican whore.

Liberals are cowards.

2021-01-18 04:19:53 UTC
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 22:06:43 +0100 (CET), "Chickens BAWK BAWK!"
Post by Chickens BAWK BAWK!
New York (CNN Business)Shoppers are once again loading up on
paper goods and cleaning supplies in areas of the United States
hard hit by rising coronavirus infections, leading to empty
shelves at some Walmart stores.
Really, it would NOT be the worst idea to stock up on
a few basic essentials - before shelves are bare again.
Biden IS going to try and go Mask-NAZI, he's said as
much. What his legal authority may be will be fought
over, somewhat diluted, but there WILL be some
re-establishment of LOCKDOWNS and some kind
of proposed penalties for violators.

The UK is beginning to talk about Covid Gulags now,
re-purpose the refugee camps. Lockdown violators
will be sent there in droves. The whole of Gen-Z
could vanish .....
2021-01-18 16:40:47 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 22:06:43 +0100 (CET), "Chickens BAWK BAWK!"
Post by Chickens BAWK BAWK!
New York (CNN Business)Shoppers are once again loading up on
paper goods and cleaning supplies in areas of the United States
hard hit by rising coronavirus infections, leading to empty
shelves at some Walmart stores.
Really, it would NOT be the worst idea to stock up on
a few basic essentials - before shelves are bare again.
Biden IS going to try and go Mask-NAZI, he's said as
much. What his legal authority may be will be fought
over, somewhat diluted, but there WILL be some
re-establishment of LOCKDOWNS and some kind
of proposed penalties for violators.
The UK is beginning to talk about Covid Gulags now,
re-purpose the refugee camps. Lockdown violators
will be sent there in droves. The whole of Gen-Z
could vanish .....
For years, even decades, wrongtards have been insisting that such
shortages can only happen under a socialist dictatorship -- couldn't
possibly happen in a capitalist economy.
