Shithole San Francisco's dirtiest cleanliness woes make more national headlines
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2018-10-12 15:48:39 UTC

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The state of San Francisco streets has once again
made headlines, this time nationally in the New York Times. In an article
released on Monday, Oct. 8, the newspaper called the 300 block of Hyde
Street the dirtiest block in San Francisco and compared it to "developing-
world squalor."

Hyde Street resident Larry Gothberg has lived in his Tenderloin building
since 1982. He has amassed a collection of photos, depicting what's
happening just outside his door.

"When I first moved into the neighborhood, it wasn't like this. I think
because of crack in the 90's. That's when everything went downhill."

Gothberg's block is littered with dozens of used needles, the odor of
urine and feces, and those who appeared to be selling drugs.

"Heroin Freeze. That's what I call it. It's not an official term, it's
just what I call it because they're frozen in action."

Gothberg points to a man, hunched over across the street, unresponsive and
not moving.

To be fair, the Department of Public Works says they receive a tremendous
number of service calls from neighborhoods such as the Mission and
Chinatown as well.

ABC7 News caught up with San Francisco Mayor London Breed for her take on
the Times article.

"There have been, unfortunately, a number of articles that have criticized
our beautiful city for the conditions of its streets. It's because people
are not respecting the city and we all need to take responsibility."

Just over $70-million has been allotted to street cleanup. When asked what
can be done to solve the problem, Breed references the times she witnesses
bad behavior herself.

"It's why I'm getting to know the people and trying to understand what's
going on. In fact, someone threw something on the ground and I said 'pick
that up!'. He turned around and he said, 'Madame Mayor, I'm sorry, I'm
sorry.' We have to have a conversation and not just overlook when somebody
throws something on the ground. We have to change behavior and we have to
hold people accountable. That's the next step in all of this."

While Gothberg is frustrated and believes the city's issues are often
pushed into his neighborhood, he does think there's a silver lining to the
New York Times article.

"I'm glad they came out to do the article. Maybe something will be done."
Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

Congratulations President Trump. Thank you for cleaning up the disaster
of the Obama presidency.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp.

ObamaCare is a total 100% failure and no lie that can be put forth by its
supporters can dispute that.

Obama jobs, the result of ObamaCare. 12-15 working hours a week at minimum
wage, no benefits and the primary revenue stream for ObamaCare. It can't
be funded with money people don't have, yet liberals lie about how great
it is.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the eight
years he was in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood queer
liberal democrat donors.
2018-10-12 17:13:46 UTC
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The state of San Francisco streets has once again
made headlines, this time nationally in the New York Times. In an article
released on Monday, Oct. 8, the newspaper called the 300 block of Hyde
Street the dirtiest block in San Francisco and compared it to
"developing-world squalor."
"Studio apartments on Hyde Street go for around $1,500, according to Mr.
Gothberg, cheap in a city where the median rent for apartments is $4,500." I
can imagine what this one looks like (and costs) now:

Life on the Dirtiest Block in San Francisco

The 300 block of Hyde Street in San Francisco received 2,227 complaints
about street and sidewalk cleanliness over the past decade, more than any

By Thomas Fuller
Oct. 8, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO — The heroin needles, the pile of excrement between parked
cars, the yellow soup oozing out of a large plastic bag by the curb and the
stained, faux Persian carpet dumped on the corner.

It’s a scene of detritus that might bring to mind any variety of
developing-world squalor. But this is San Francisco, the capital of the
nation’s technology industry, where a single span of Hyde Street hosts an
open-air narcotics market by day and at night is occupied by the unsheltered
and drug-addled slumped on the sidewalk.

There are many other streets like it, but by one measure it’s the dirtiest
block in the city.

Just a 15-minute walk away are the offices of Twitter and Uber, two
companies that along with other nameplate technology giants have helped push
the median price of a home in San Francisco well beyond $1 million.

This dichotomy of street crime and world-changing technology, of luxury
condominiums and grinding, persistent homelessness, and the dehumanizing
effects for those forced to live on the streets provoke outrage among the
city’s residents. For many who live here it’s difficult to reconcile San
Francisco’s liberal politics with the misery that surrounds them.

According to city statisticians, the 300 block of Hyde Street, a span about
the length of a football field in the heart of the Tenderloin neighborhood,
received 2,227 complaints about street and sidewalk cleanliness over the
last decade, more than any other. It’s an imperfect measurement — some
blocks might be dirtier but have fewer calls — but residents on the 300
block say that they are not surprised by their ranking.

The San Francisco bureau photographer, Jim Wilson, and I set out to measure
the depth of deprivation on a single block. We returned a number of times,
including a 12-hour visit, from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. on a recent weekday.
Walking around the neighborhood we saw the desperation of the mentally ill,
the drug dependent and homeless, and heard from embittered residents who say
it will take much more than a broom to clean up the city, long considered
one of America’s beacons of urban beauty.

Human waste has become such a widespread problem in San Francisco that the
city in September established a unit dedicated to removing it from the
sidewalks. Rachel Gordon, a spokeswoman for the Public Works Department,
describes the new initiative as a “proactive human waste” unit.

At 8 a.m. on a recent day, as mothers shepherded their children to school,
we ran into Yolanda Warren, a receptionist who works around the corner from
Hyde Street. The sidewalk in front of her office was stained with feces. The
street smelled like a latrine.

“Some parts of the Tenderloin, you’re walking, and you smell it and you have
to hold your breath,” Ms. Warren said.

As she does every morning, she hosed down the urine outside her office. The
city has installed five portable bathrooms for the hundreds of unsheltered
people in the Tenderloin, but that has not stopped people from urinating and
defecating in the streets.

“There are way too many people out here that don’t have homes,” Ms. Warren

Over the last five years the number of unsheltered homeless people in San
Francisco has remained relatively steady — around 4,400 — and the sidewalks
of the Tenderloin have come to resemble a refugee camp.

The city has replaced more than 300 lampposts corroded by dog and human
urine over the last three years, according to the San Francisco Public
Utilities Commission. Replacing the poles became more urgent after a
lamppost collapsed in 2015, crushing a car.

A more common danger are the thousands of heroin needles discarded by users.

The Public Works Department and a nonprofit organization in the Tenderloin
picked up 100,000 needles from the streets over the last year. The Public
Health Department, which has its own needle recovery program, has a more
alarming figure: It retrieved 164,264 needles in August alone, both through
a disposal program and through street cleanups.

Larry Gothberg, a building manager who has lived on Hyde Street since 1982,
keeps a photographic record of the heroin users he sees shooting up on the
streets. He swiped through a number of pictures on his phone showing users
in a motionless stupor.

“We call it the heroin freeze,” Mr. Gothberg said. “They can stay that way
for hours.”

Hyde Street is in the heart of the Tenderloin, a neighborhood of aging,
subsidized single-occupancy apartment buildings, Vietnamese and Thai
restaurants, coin laundromats and organizations dedicated to helping the
indigent. Studio apartments on Hyde Street go for around $1,500, according
to Mr. Gothberg, cheap in a city where the median rent for apartments is

A number of people we met on Hyde Street distinguished between the residents
of the Tenderloin, many of them immigrant families, and those they called
“street people” — the unsheltered drug users who congregate and camp along
the sidewalks and the dealers who peddle crack cocaine, heroin and a variety
of amphetamines.

Disputes among the street population are common and sometimes result in
violence. At night bodies line the sidewalks.

“It’s like the land of the living dead,” said Adam Leising, a resident of
Hyde Street.

We met Mr. Leising late one evening after he had finished a shift as a
server at a restaurant. As we toured the neighborhood, past a man crumpled
on the ground next to empty beer bottles and trash, Mr. Leising told us that
the daily glimpses of desperation brought him to the brink of depression.

“We are the most advanced country in the world,” Mr. Leising said. “And that’s
what people are having to live with here.”

Mr. Leising, who is the founder of the Lower Hyde Street Association, a
nonprofit that holds cleanup activities on the street, feels that the city
is not cracking down on the drug trade on the block because they don’t want
it to spread elsewhere.

“It’s obvious that it’s a containment zone,” Mr. Leising said. “These
behaviors are not allowed in other neighborhoods.”

The Tenderloin police station posted on their Twitter feed that drug dealing
“is the most significant issue impacting the quality of life.” So far this
year, officers from the Tenderloin station house have made more than 3,000
arrests, including 424 for dealing drugs. “This is one of our priority
areas,” Grace Gatpandan, a police spokeswoman, said of the Tenderloin. But
many feel they do not do enough.

Gavin Newsom, a former mayor of San Francisco and the leading candidate for
governor in next month’s election, told The San Francisco Chronicle
editorial board last week that the city had reached the point of “enough is

“You can be too permissive, and I happen to think we have crossed that
threshold in this state — and not just in this city,” Mr. Newsom said. “You
see it. It’s just disgraceful.”

Mayor London Breed, who was elected in June, campaigned to clean up squalor.

Ms. Breed has announced plans to provide an additional 1,000 beds for the
homeless over the next two years, but she is also targeting a relatively
small group of people living on the streets who she says are beyond the
point of assisting themselves. The concept of this involuntary removal is
known as conservatorship. A law recently passed in Sacramento strengthens
the city’s powers of conservatorship with a judge’s permission.

“There are about 100 to 150 people who are clearly mentally ill and who are
cycling through the system and who need to be forced into conservatorship,”
Ms. Breed said in an interview. “We know all of them.”

According to Ms. Breed’s office, 12 percent of people who use the services
of the San Francisco Department of Public Health account for 73 percent of
the costs. The majority of these heavy users have medical, psychiatric and
substance use issues, according to the department.

Ms. Breed has made unannounced inspections of neighborhoods, sometimes
carrying a broom.

On a Saturday morning in September she walked past a woman on Hyde Street
slouched on the pavement and preparing to plunge a syringe into her hand.
“Put that away,” said a police officer accompanying the mayor.

On a recent afternoon we dropped by a barbershop on Hyde Street.

Glenn Gustafik opened Mister Hyde two years ago to escape the high rents of
downtown San Francisco, where he was quoted a $10,000 monthly rent for a
similarly small space. Since opening on Hyde Street he has been engaged in a
battle with drug users in the neighborhood, who break the branches off a
London plane tree in front of his shop and use the sticks to clean their
crack pipes. This harvesting of twigs has killed the previous four trees,
Mr. Gustafik said.

At Mr. Gustafik’s request, the city protected the fifth tree with wire mesh,
the kind used in suburban areas to discourage hungry deer.

Toward dusk and into the night the 300 block of Hyde becomes an impromptu
food and flea market. A woman offered a bicycle for $15 one evening and
bric-a-brac was laid out on the sidewalks. Many items for sale were
incongruous: A man hawked six shrink-wrapped packets of raw steaks that he
cradled precariously as he called out for buyers. No one asked where he got

At dawn, crews from the city and private organizations arrive to pick up
needles and trash. One entrepreneurial resident recently launched an app,
Snapcrap, that allows users to send photos and the location of feces to the
city’s cleanup crews.

The city spends $70 million annually on street cleaning, well more than any
other American cities that were studied in a recent report.

But the sidewalks soon become crowded again and the litter accumulates.

Mario Montoya Jr. has spent the last three decades cleaning the streets as
an employee of the city’s Public Works Department. Standing on a street
corner as another city employee power-washed the sidewalk, Mr. Montoya
described a Sisyphean cycle of cleanup and filth.

“By noon everybody is up and out,” Mr. Montoya said. “And here we go again.”


