San Fagsicko downtown = ghost town
(too old to reply)
2020-09-22 03:18:11 UTC
Note the viewer comments:

2020-09-22 04:36:41 UTC
Post by Byker
Note the viewer comments: http://youtu.be/dqG8s5F_eo0
San Fran is dead. NYC is mostly dead - and LA is
getting there. It is their own damned fault. Put leftists
in charge and watch your city turn to SHIT.

From the beginning, leftists excelled at fine-sounding
lies. Anybody who believed them has suffered horribly.
poop cities
2020-09-22 04:59:28 UTC
Post by Phantom_View
Post by Byker
Note the viewer comments: http://youtu.be/dqG8s5F_eo0
San Fran is dead. NYC is mostly dead - and LA is
getting there. It is their own damned fault. Put leftists
in charge and watch your city turn to SHIT.
From the beginning, leftists excelled at fine-sounding
lies. Anybody who believed them has suffered horribly.
I recall my first visit to Detroit. We were training some people at DTE -
but instead of putting us up near the building, they had us stay out at
Southgate, "because it was safer". Driving in and out of the downtown
area was a tour of human caused decay and destruction.
2020-09-22 23:31:16 UTC
Post by Phantom_View
Post by Byker
Note the viewer comments: http://youtu.be/dqG8s5F_eo0
San Fran is dead. NYC is mostly dead - and LA is
getting there. It is their own damned fault. Put leftists
in charge and watch your city turn to SHIT.
From the beginning, leftists excelled at fine-sounding
lies. Anybody who believed them has suffered horribly.
The loonie Left seems to have forgotten
that Josef Goebbels was a National SOCIALIST:


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2020-09-23 04:06:55 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Phantom_View
Post by Byker
Note the viewer comments: http://youtu.be/dqG8s5F_eo0
San Fran is dead. NYC is mostly dead - and LA is
getting there. It is their own damned fault. Put leftists
in charge and watch your city turn to SHIT.
From the beginning, leftists excelled at fine-sounding
lies. Anybody who believed them has suffered horribly.
The loonie Left seems to have forgotten
They will just say he was a different kind of socialist .....

But not really ... State micro-management - turns everything
to SHIT, be it 30s Germany or NYC today.

Anyone who votes "socialist" is SUICIDAL ... deranged .,,
a threat to self and others.
2020-09-23 19:46:30 UTC
Post by Phantom_View
Anyone who votes "socialist" is SUICIDAL ... deranged .,,
a threat to self and others.
Mitt Romney was right about the "47%" (now 53%) who vote Democrat because
they've been getting gubmint freebies. As one European economist put it in
"Business Week", "Once you have half the voting-age population receiving
government benefits, you can just write the country off, because they'll
vote socialist every time." Look at all the "takers" in the U.S. who don't
contribute anything but never fail to VOTE.
2020-09-25 03:59:56 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Phantom_View
Anyone who votes "socialist" is SUICIDAL ... deranged .,,
a threat to self and others.
Mitt Romney was right about the "47%" (now 53%) who vote Democrat because
they've been getting gubmint freebies. As one European economist put it in
"Business Week", "Once you have half the voting-age population receiving
government benefits, you can just write the country off, because they'll
vote socialist every time." Look at all the "takers" in the U.S. who don't
contribute anything but never fail to VOTE.
It is how heroin dealers get new recruits - offer freebies
until addiction sets in ....... then they HAVE your ass,
a slave.
US Democrats = Soviet Communists
2020-09-25 12:48:05 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Phantom_View
Anyone who votes "socialist" is SUICIDAL ... deranged .,,
a threat to self and others.
Mitt Romney was right about the "47%" (now 53%) who vote Democrat because
they've been getting gubmint freebies. As one European economist put it in
"Business Week", "Once you have half the voting-age population receiving
government benefits, you can just write the country off, because they'll
vote socialist every time." Look at all the "takers" in the U.S. who don't
contribute anything but never fail to VOTE.
Get the socialist leaning unions out of government. Ban all
unions from any government employment.

Take the rest out and shoot them.
